Thursday, June 20, 2013

"Es mi Peru"

First of all, I have to thank the Father for letting me set out on this adventure with Him.  I'm still unsure as to why He chose me, but I am so grateful and blessed.  I am thankful for His provision and His grace.  I am truly blessed beyond measure!

It's hard to believe that I've already been here for 3 weeks!  With the team from church we were able to go out to many places taking Jesus to all who could hear.  We went to schools, villages, jails, parks and holding tanks.  We also got to take the soup kitchen to a town nearby and pass out blankets to the homeless on the streets of Lima.  We saw God work in an awesome way!  I am so glad to be a part of this ministry!  Looking back, I'm not sure I could pick a favorite thing!

I have spent time since the group left sitting in on what will be my class at Fetzer.  I have been able to meet most of the kids and all the teachers.  I am so grateful to already be forming friendships with the teachers and the kids.  I truly think it's going to be great!  I am so excited to see how God will work!

Today, the interns were able to go with the group that is at the home right now.  We went to a fruit market and walked the aisles handing out Bibles and tracts.  We saw many saved and now have many new brothers/sisters in Christ!  From there, we went to the top of a mountain that overlooks the city of Lima.  After being just simply amazed by the view, the group, the translators, the interns, the Kennedys(the 4 who were there), Pastor David(from the church in Cieneguilla), and a man named Jose(whom we met there) joined hands and prayed over the city and the ministry of the Kennedys and the church. I don't think I could ever have the words to describe this experience!  We would, finally, end up at the Presidential Plaza to walk the streets and hand out more Bibles and more tracts.  One of the men in the group was so...afraid?...worried?...I'm not sure of the right pass out tracts, yet God used him to lead a man to the cross.  The man accepted and was totally changed and angels rejoiced! 

I have enjoyed every minute of my time here, but today was so much more!  Again, I am so blessed and so grateful to be able to be in Peru serving the risen Savior.  He is so much more than words could ever say...but I will give Him every word I know!