Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blessed Beyond Measure

     I know that it has been months since I`ve posted on here...sorry!  Part of the reason is my computer "bit the dust", if you will.  The main reason, though, is there is so much to say that I usually have no idea where to start!  God is working in so many ways!  I have been blessed beyond measure!

     When I first got here, all I truly knew is that God was sending me to help with the ministry at New Life Children`s Home and to teach at Fetzer Memorial Christian Academy.  I knew that I would go to church at New Life Baptist Church.  I knew that I would be helping the Kennedy family and the Frey and Miller families.  I knew I loved this place, but what I didn`t know was all the many different things I would get to see and be a real part of...the "blessed beyond measure" part...and then some!

     I have seen hundreds of children, teachers, and people on the street be fed by the Soup Kitchen that is a part of Peru Ministries.  I have seen thousands of tracts and Bibles handed out on the streets of Lima.  I have seen people saved because someone took the time to share the reason of the hope they have.  I have met people who have shown up at the home or the church because they were handed a tract on the street and wanted to know more.  I have seen missionary kids take part in street evangelism just because they want to.  I have seen missionary kids lead the way and be drawn out of their shell.  I have seen girls, who have never met each other, be put together in a room without a mirror or dresser and still come to be the greatest of friends. I have seen the faces of orphans come to life because someone cared enough to jump on the trampoline with them or push them on the swing or just simply hold them.  I have heard these amazing kids get so "tickled" that they can barely breathe because they are laughing so hard.  I have seen people be Jesus to the world...and not think twice about it.  I have stood on a mountain and prayed over the city of Lima.  A few weeks later, I stood on a mountain and prayed over the city of Cusco.  I have even seen Machu Picchu!...and the salt mines...and the place with the "cicles in the ground!"  I am truly blessed beyond measure!

     I realize that this is a very brief overview of the past 2 months.  In that time, I have moved from the children`s home to the school...a move that was so very difficult that I wasn`t sure was going to happen at all!  I have begun teaching at Fetzer to 4 very inquisitive 6th graders and 1 5th grader who doesn`t like noise when she`s working...I love them though!  I have no doubt that I am where I am supposed to be!  I`m so sure, actually, that I`m truly praying and seeking God`s plan about my staying indefinately.  I will return to the states in December and have the option to stay for a little over 2 months (I was already coming for about 2 weeks).  I will take this option and use the time to raise as much support as absolutely possible.  I covet your prayers as I, all too quickly, come to the end of my 6 months in Peru.  It hurts me to even have to think about leaving this place, but I know that God`s plan is perfect and He is leading me!  I also covet your prayers as I begin to seek out how to raise support in the coming months.  And, as always, I covet your prayers as God is leading me and as I am leading the children that I get to teach...and not just the ones in my class.  Pray that I can be half the blessing to them that they have been to me.  I am so beyond the measure of blessings!

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